Picking up women is one of the most frustrating things any man can do. It takes a few key ingredients to do it effectively, and no, one of them is not devilishly good looks, or tons of money. I am a firm believer that any man, can get any woman. It just takes a few things.
The first and most important thing is CONFIDENCE, this is super important. No women out there want a guy who is shy and fidgety with them. That is unattractive, very very unattractive. Now don't try and over do your confidence, there is a fine line between confident, arrogant, egotistic, and just straight up being over cocky. Unless you can pull off the cocky thing, don't do it, its also quite unattractive. To build up your confidence is easy, the way I did it was just by telling myself that I am awesome. If you believe in yourself other people will believe it too. You will start to carry yourself differently, and people will notice it.
Moving on, after you have removed your tampon and sacked up enough to talk to said girl, you will still need something to talk about right, you know a funny opener that you got from reading that one book about being a pick-up artist. Something to lower her confidence perhaps, maybe a drink to offer her right? WRONG, you don't need anything to talk to a woman, you don't have to play games with them, give them funny openers to lower their guard, or offer them drinks to talk to you. FUCK ALL THAT NOISE, all you need to do is walk up to them and say "Hi", its the oldest and most effective opener out there. If you still haven't built up your confidence enough yet to do that then try this one; if you see that they are smoking just ask them to borrow a light, and take it from there. There isnt much needed to start a conversation with girls, but to get them to dance with you, get their number, maybe a kiss, or if you are good at what you do, get them to take you home. It takes much, much more.
Now that you have taken you first steps to talk to your woman of the night what else do you need? Something to talk about right? Well that is easy enough, You're at a bar, talk about monkeys for all i care. What you really need is something that sets you apart from the rest of the losers at the bar. Something that shows this girl that you are the prize, not her. You are the object of her desire, and you are that guy that she wants to get to know.......... preferably in the carnal sense. What do you do though? It's quite simple really, you just be you. Talk to her, find out what she likes, make her laugh, and if you can show her what a hot commodity you are, by talking to other women as well (insert devilish smile here). Just because you have made the conscious decision that you would like to sleep with this girl doesn't mean you shouldn't keep your options open. Not to mention this tends to make your current object of desire jealous, and gets them to fight for your attention.
Okay, now that you have gotten past the opening BS, you can move on to making your girl fall in love with you for the night. For this we must move back to what sets you apart from every other guy in the bar. Whether it be the fact that you have shown that you are the shining star of this venue and everyone wants to know you. Maybe its your awesome dancing skills that makes this girl think you can handle yourself in the bedroom as well. It could also be that fact that everyone you talk to laughs, therefore showing your comic side. It doesn't really matter, it just proves that you are the alpha male at this bar, and you are definitely worth getting to know.
So you have done everything you need to get this girl. All that is left is sealing the deal. Now this all falls onto what you want. Do you want a girlfriend? a fuck buddy? or maybe you want the proverbial one night stand. Depending on what you are looking for is what you need to do for this next step.
You want a G Friend, so what do you do? This is probably the hardest thing, you can't sleep with her on this most joyous night, and its not very advisable to even kiss them. The best possible solution is make you exit, and ask for their phone number. Easiest way for this, and you can in fact quote me, is " Well (insert name here) I have got to get going, but I had such a good time with you, and I would most definitely like to see you again." She will give you her number and that will be the end of that. Have fun being locked down.
Fuck buddies are pretty easily picked up. You just need to make your move and kiss her. This is done best on the dance floor, As you are dancing with your girly, get behind her, and place your hand on her stomach. Her natural reaction will be to place hers on yours. The moment that this happens, you grab her hand, spin her around to face you, and kiss her. One of three things will happen following this: 1. She slaps you and walks off, 2. She slaps you and stares at you, so you kiss her again, or 3. She embraces the kiss, and you are in my friend. After you go home with her, exchange numbers, and you have a permanent friend that likes to fellatio you on the weekends.
As for one night stands, its the same as picking up a fuck buddy, except that you dont give her your number when you leave the next morning while she is still sleeping. If you made the mistake of giving her your number just leave a note with a $20 on her nightstand saying " That was fun, I hope this covers it" and she will never call you again.
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