Friday, January 27, 2012

Priorities, Routines, and LOTS of beer

There is something about being in the military that generally makes you better than everyone else (that includes you). You learn about setting priorities, you make routines, and yes, you drink lots of beer. Let me emphasize that one, when I say lots of beer, I mean think about how much you beer you drink, have you done it? Now triple that. Now let me explain the importants of all of this. Sometimes in life people get depressed, sad, or they just basically suck. That is because they don't understand the importance of routines, and setting your priorities (the beer is just for fun). Obviously the more important of the 3 is priorities, lets talk about that for a minute.

Setting your priorities straight is the basic principle of being happy, and being happy is the first step of reaching you level of awesome (results may vary). When looking at your life and deciding what priorities you need to organize, you should always look at what is important, IE. money. Money is probably the number one priority on any ones list, but to have money you need to have work. So what should your priority be??????? Here is a quick example. I have been deployed now for a year, upon going back to the states it is always good to know exactly what your priorities should be. Mine for instant, is hung my family, probably go out to eat with them, then get smashed and find some chick to sleep with. That is a good priority order, you should always do whats important first, Then get shit faced drunk and sleep with some random hot chick. Awesome

Moving on to routines, these are basically your everyday schedule type thing. You should always follow some form of routine because it helps you be more organized, which equals more time to be awesome. Most jobs in life require you to have some sort of routine. My jobs is, wake up brush my teeth, shave, do pt, shower, go back to work and sit around until 2 o'clock in the afternoon then do some work until about 5 and that's when I go home. Once you get home that is where your routines need to come into play. Like go home shower again (nobody likes to smell like their job), dinner, if your job has a lot of writing then knock out whatever paper or report you need done, and then proceed to the best part of your routine.

BEER!!!!!! Beer is important in your everyday life for two reasons. 1. It's delicious, and 2. it helps keep you from going insane depending on what type of work you do. Don't over do it though during a work week, because that will completely fuck up your routines and your priorities (trust me I know). Oh yeah I almost forgot Karaoke is always a fun routine.

Basically what I am saying is that if you straighten out your priorities, make a routine, and drink beer, you will turn your average frustrating life into an organized, fun, worthwhile, awesome life.


  1. This is the most jacked-up advice column ever! Then again, I have hopes of one day going to a beer spa. Continue on, Soldier.

  2. And that is what makes people like us completely AWESOME.
