Monday, January 16, 2012

History can be fun.

Throughout recorded history there have been many people who have reached a certain level of greatness. This great achievement is known as, Awesomeness. A term not always used by people who have reached this level, but its always included. For many centuries people have tried, and failed to reach this most prestigious title. Many of them of given up in their trials, others have gone as far as maiming themselves, but you have that select few who have made the climb, fought so valiently, to reach a level of awesomeness all their own. You know their names, you know what they have done, and you respect the hell out of them. Probably the most awesome man throughtout history, Jesus Christ, reached such a level of awesomeness that people can only begin to fathom. And he worked his ass off for it, and still got crucified. You will notice that on your journey for this great achievement that people become jealous, loathsome, even sometimes (in Jesus' case) violent. Lets learn a little bit about these "Legends of Awesome"

We already know of Jesus and some of the things he did (turned water into wine, and then walked on water. Crazy right?) but what about other Legends out there:

Genghis Khan: Scared the chinese so horribly bad they built an entire wall around there country so he couldnt get in. Fucking awesome man

Alexander the Great: Added the word Great (The predecessor of the word Awesome) into his name, and it stuck. Most people who give themselves a nickname are total chodes

Adolf Hitler ( Yeah I got it): United the German people, and made them murder millions of innocent Jews. I dont know about you but that is pretty baller

George Washington: Do I really need to explain on this one??? Founding father of the greatest country in the world, and bad ass military tacticion.

Napoleon Bonaparte: Short dude took over most of the eastern world. Not to mention he was short as fuck and instilled fear in people 3 times his size.

Achilles: Dude, Troy, Nuff said.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Revolutionized the classical music gig, and he was deaf.

These are the Legends who have done many different things, and though some are bad, many of them are good. These are the originators, the ones who made it to the top. The men who have achieved the greatest title that most of you strive for. These are the men who define the word Awesome. I myself wish to one day be known with these great minds. I think we should all strive to be like some of these men.